Recently there has been a revival of interest in the common good in political, organizational and economic discourses. It seems to free us from the illusions of our globalized era, the focus on communication, the financialization of the economy, the power of lobbies, the exclusively meliorative vision of innovation and digital technology, and in a non-anecdotal way, all the well-meaning discourses that actually conceal reality more than they transform it. These lures make us believe that we can imagine an organization without human beings, without their fragility and their need for meaning, and even without the work which may enable them to feel useful to society.
Far from providing simple answers to the question of how to make people happier or more efficient at work, my aim is to avoid the pitfalls of the hedonization or the instrumentalization of work. I’m interested in a global and interdisciplinary vision of the common good, both theoretical and practical, enabling human beings to give meaning to their work activity.
The book "L'entreprise et le bien commun" published in 2022 proposes a synthesis of my work: